Offering a fun, practical, American life experience.

Welcome! We are glad you are here.

In the ALEX Program, Japanese high school and college aged students have the opportunity to travel overseas, live with a host family, and participate in a fun, practical volunteer experience at a nonprofit organization.

We currently offer exchange programs in four locations in the United States: Guam, Monterey, CA, Newport, RI and Albuquerque, NM.

Students participating in ALEX have the opportunity to grow in adaptability, confidence, and international friendship. These students certainly move on to the next stage of becoming truly global citizens.

Our host families are the heart and soul of our program! Host families engage in daily life activities with their Japanese student, sharing their American lifestyle and culture.

Please explore our website to learn more. Whether you are a potential host family, student, or non-profit, we look forward to connecting with you!

Visit Monterey, CA, USA

Monterey is a top vacation location on the CA coast. Monterey Bay is one of the nation's largest marine sanctuaries, with extensive kelp forests and underwater canyons. Many people visit Monterey to enjoy the beautiful coastline views, surfing, wildlife viewing, and golfing. Monterey is known for attractions such as the Monterey Bay Aquarium, Cannery Row, and Fisherman’s wharf. The city has a historical Japanese connection, with many immigrants having worked as abalone fisherman. Monterey is “sister cities” with Nanao, Japan!

Visit Newport, RI, USA

Rhode Island’s official nickname is the “Ocean State” because so much of  the state is surrounded by water. While there are many beautiful places in Rhode Island, the ALEX program is held in Newport County on Aquidneck Island. Aquidneck Island occupies an area of 44 square miles. Newport itself is a very popular tourist destination. Newport is also a “sister city” to Shimoda, Japan!

Visit Albuquerque, NM, USA

Albuquerque is the largest city of New Mexico, the "Land of Enchantment." Albuquerque is the hot air ballooning capital of the world; each year in October, the city hosts a national Balloon Fiesta. Albuquerque is also known for its tasty New Mexican cuisine, its museums, and historic Route 66. The city is located in the desert, in a valley next to the Sandia mountains. Albuquerque is a unique mix of urban and suburban life with easy access to natural beauty and the outdoors. Albuquerque is also a “sister city” to Sasebo, Japan!

Volunteer at Nonprofit Organizations

The ALEX Program is for high school and university students who want to become international professionals. High school students will stay in the United States for two weeks and will participate in volunteer activities at a nonprofit organization (NPO). Liberal arts university students, on the other hand, will set their own research themes based on a Sustainable Development Goal (SDG). These students will volunteer at a NPO, and stay in the United States for more than a month. University students can also ask local experts to advise them in conducting their research activities.

Learn more about our many NPO partners!

Live with American Host Families

Students participating in the ALEX Program live with an American host family. Each host family will provide their student with meals, a bed, and support with transportation to and from the student’s non-profit volunteer site. By participating in daily life activities with their host family, students will have a true immersion experience in America!

Would you like to be a host family? We are always looking for amazing individuals, couples, and families to join our team as hosts.

“Be ready to have fun. You’ve got to be ready to get outside… jump in and help someone out… just be inquisitive and adventurous.”

— Steve Heath, Executive Director, FabNewport - an ALEX Partner



Feel free to contact us with any questions.
