Aquidneck Community Table

Aquidneck Community Table is a non-profit organization with a mission to grow a healthy local food system that is accessible to everyone on Aquidneck Island. Aquidneck

Community Table works to build the local food system through a farmer’s market, community and school gardens, and programs that inspire children to love healthy foods. It is responsible for coordinating the weekly farmer’s market – Aquidneck Growers Market.

Bike Newport

Bike Newport is a non-profit organization whose mission is to help people to bike more often, and to help make bicycling a safe and comfortable choice for transportation and recreation. Bike Newport encourages a strong bike culture by educating people in order to give them the confidence to ride. Bike Newport also plans and collaborates with others in the community to make Newport more bike-friendly.


The Edward King House Senior Center

The Edward King House Senior Center is a nonprofit organization that serves the community in Newport. It offers a variety of classes, programming, performances, fitness, and club activities – all for seniors ages fifty and older. The Senior Center sees an average of four hundred visitors on a weekly basis. It is a valuable and well-used resource in the community.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Center

The Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Center is a non-profit that provides programs on hunger prevention and nutrition, early childhood and extended learning time education, and community support. It is a central service provider for at-risk individuals, families, and seniors. The

Center builds a strong and united community by nourishing, educating, and supporting Newport residents, helping them to improve their economic and social well-being.


FabNewport is a nonprofit with a mission to inspire the maker in all of us. It is a community-based maker space and studio that provides a collaborative learning environment which fosters creativity and imagination. The space has computer-controlled routers, laser cutters, vinyl cutters, 3D scanners and printers, and sewing machines. FabNewport offers classes and workshops for high school students during the day, after school programs for middle school students, and evening programs for adults.

Fort Adams Trust, Inc.

Fort Adams is a National Historic Landmark that was constructed from 1824-57. It is the most complex coastal fortification in the United States. The Fort Adams Trust, a nonprofit organization charged with operating Fort Adams, has invested nearly $12 million into its restoration. Active through World War II, today Fort Adams is best known as the host site of the Newport Jazz and Folk Festivals as well as a variety of other private events and community fundraisers.

Lucy’s Hearth

Lucy’s Hearth is a nonprofit organization that provides emergency and transitional shelter for families and children who are homeless. The goal of Lucy’s Hearth is to foster independence and help the residents gain the life skills necessary to prevent future homelessness. Lucy’s Hearth provides emergency housing, transitional apartments, and permanent apartments. It also provides outreach such as case management, budgeting assistance, and advocacy.

The Potter League

The Potter League is a nonprofit organization that is dedicated to promote, protect, and advance the well-being of Rhode Island’s companion animals. The organization impacts more than 10,000 companion animals each year. It is deeply committed to serving the needs of the people and animals in the Rhode Island community. It promotes the humane treatment of animals.

Save the Bay

Save the Bay is a nonprofit organization that works to protect and improve Narragansett Bay. Save the Bay focuses on three areas of work: advocacy, education, and habitat restoration and adaptation. In Newport, Save the Bay runs an Exploration Center and Aquarium, which is an interactive marine science center, home to more than 40 species of organisms and rescued animals.